Harold R Dowdy 1952-2024


Harold Robinson Dowdy, “Robbie”


Robbie was a FMHS school friend, to many of his friends he was simply ‘Dowdy,’ face to face – he was Robbie.

In retirement, I’ve kinda gotten into genealogy to fill some spare time while filling in a few voids – I think in some ways it has softened what can happen at anytime, for any of us. It’s inevitable. I too fully understand that my life-span is somewhere between third base and home plate… “Life at 60 (mph)”

Through that genealogy pool I’ve noticed how families used maiden names in the progression of generations – the Dowdy’s have used that beloved tradition with many of their names. ‘Park, Reed, and Robinson, are generations represented in the Dowdy family tree. I truly did not know that “Robbie’s” nickname had derived from his mothers maiden name until this date…

Robbie and I were in HS band together, the brass (trumpet) section. He was ‘first chair’ material, but he and I spent our time mostly in the ‘second chair’ positions. I was further down the row, yet next to him with the size of our brass section. I had been away to school in Georgia for 9th and 10th grades, and had returned to the FMHS band with limited playing skills. Robbie’s trumpet overshadowed my inability, and I remained near him just to fade away under the more coherent music that he made. Mr Kirk the band director, maybe noticing my lack of skills allowed me to move and learn the baritone horn (halfway to the tuba) and gave me the schools brand new baritone! – over the current ‘first chair’ player Chris Korf – the instrument was beautiful, and Dowdy never ceased to ‘rib’ me that I was only afforded that opportunity because my sister was head majorette ! the same sister (Janis) that was his prom date in 69. – he was pretty much right.

Those HS band trips were alot of fun too..

Through the post graduation years of the 70’s, Dowdy, Hobbs and I lived and shared an apartment together – our group of friends worked all week and partied on the weekends. In that period, I really thought that Robby was one of the most stable within our group of friends. Dewey, Hobbs, Locke, Stewart, ‘Toad,’ and all the others that came with the flow, enjoying all the crazy things that life brought our “hooray for today” group. In those years, Robbie had a light green Camaro – and a younger girlfriend. @1972 when they broke up, he gave her that car, her first. Gave it to her!, and it was new….

That’s the kind of guy we knew him to be… that was his legacy in a nutshell, he touched people and left things in a positive way, the core-values that he shared were good..

.Double Moons over NC (Dewey and Dowdy @1979)

Our group of friends shared the fun side of all those 70 activities in mostly moderation. We grew up along the way, and yes, we shared alcohol, mushrooms, brownies, and weed. We had a great time (just a few times in moderate excess), not a rowdy bunch, but more as ‘peace makers. There was always someone to lean on the next morning… those times were fun and still bring a smile.

Robbie worked for the local funeral home, which operated the ambulance service too; the early years of emergency response. He had to retrieve a body in St. Petersburg one Friday night and asked me to ride along – which of course I did. But the memory that still lingers for me was the ride back, and those two dead feet in the rear of the hearse sticking straight up and shaking each time we hit a bump in the road…

In those years I drove a truck, and friends would occasionally ride-along (Hobbs) with me also, as Robbie did several times. In 1974 or 75 we took a truck load to Northern Ohio, and on the long return ride I was bound to drive 20 hours straight without resting…

It was in the wee hours of the night and as we were coming South around Atlanta – Robby mentioned that he had two ‘black-beauty’s,’ and asked if I was interested – I replied “no thanks” and that I was fine to make it home. Well, Robby ate those two beauties.. 🙂


Thirty minutes later I had to stop, and I fell fast asleep for 6 solid hours in the sleeper of the truck. Dowdy was nuts, running around, on, under, and through the truck while I slept the entire time…. even though I think I remember the cab shaking, he did not bother me – until forever through the years since I woke up…. Just one of many memories that good friends have between them. That picture was taken then, he was actually on the truck’s roof when I finally woke up..

Robbie followed his Dad’s interest in the jewelry business, as he attended college in Lancaster Pa, (late 70’s) and while driving his little MG to college he was a regular visitor and part of my young family in North Carolina – where I had settled. He once broke down in Asheville, it took us days to find an import-specific place to replace his MG clutch. Robbie was always welcomed, and stayed with us rather than driving home on school breaks (or maybe it was that clutch).

Dowdy will always be part of our family – my children love and remember him as such.

On one early visit with Jean, we took the old CJ jeep to Tennessee, all back roads, country style – came across a train wreck waaay back in the mountains, crazy – memories.

On yet another ride, he and I took that old jeep through many miles of incomplete dirt roads, over the big mountain and surfacing counties away near Burnsville, NC, alot of miles that day – we returned on old hwy 19. Beautiful waterfalls, nowhere land, old highways, and total simplicity.. Through the years that old highway has changed and grown, much like FM, but I always think of that slow ride with Robbie in that little jeep when traveling that way.

Dowdy, Al, and Hobbs – a few years later, about the time Dewey was walking around with his Ammo-box-telephone….

Our group of friends leaned on each other to make it through those years, and we survived the years by keeping up with each other. For the most part Robbie has stayed away from social media, so our interaction has been limited these past years.


Dowdy and Hobbs on Mt Mitchell – 80’s


“Monkey suits,” Dowdy, Hobbs, Haynie, and Stewart – there for his marriage to Lavanda Cody in 82


Other visits to the mountains of NC

On several of those visits we stayed up late into the nightds, listening to music and laughing about our past, talking about our special group of friends. One night in particular we stayed up all night long – just to see the sun rise the next day. We kidded that we were waiting for the first fly to show up, so about 5 am we set out some honey to speed things up, weird thing to do – but it was all in fun and somewhere in the archive I have a fuzzy picture of that tilted honey jar…

I’d try it again in a minute if he were here.

Haynie, Dewey, Al Stewart, Robbie, 2007

The Dowdy’s (Park, Carol, Robbie, Jerry, and Jo) in 2007, Buckingham


He was replacing a mailbox when I drove up on him in 2010, once again we enjoyed some time together and shared old laughs.

Regret; Our 2010 class reunion, I didn’t pressure Robby enough to attend the gathering, and he didn’t make it.


His old mailbox has adorned my well house ever since, and is a lasting thought of his friendship.

– another regret; on a visit to his home in 2018, we again shared great conversation and laughs. At that time I passed on the opportunity to take the RV to his Buckingham family farm (‘the river’) and spend a the night around a camp fire….

Yes, our group did have some fine gatherings on that ‘river property back in the day….

A friend, buddy, and a real good guy.

I’m going to cry me a river one day – and this guy will certainly be within that stream of some much needed and heartfelt tears.

